For the Secrets of the Millionaire Mind of T. Harv Eker
Rich people play the money game to win, poor people play the money game to not lose. If you were to play any sport or any game, strictly on defense. What are the chances of your winning the game? Of course not, most people will agree that. That's exactly how most people play the money game. Their primary concern is survival and security. Instead of creating wealth and abundance. What is your goal? What is your objective? What is your true intention?
The goal of truly rich people is to have massive wealth and abundance, not just some money, but lots of money. When your intention is to have enough to play the bills, that’s exactly how much you will get and not dime more. Middle class people, at least go at the step further. Too bad it is tiny step, their big goal in life is just want to be “comfortable”. I hate to break the news to you, but there is a huge difference between being comfortable, and being rich.
People who are only financially comfortable. Usually decide on what to eat, by looking at the right-hand side of the menu, meaning the price side. What would you like to dinner for tonight dear? I will have this $7.95USD dish. Let's see what it is surprise, surprise is the chicken is a nineteenth time this week!
When you are comfortable, you don't there allow your eyes to look at the bottom of the menu. For if you do it, you might come across the most forbidden words in the middle-class dictionary: according to the market price! And even if you were curious, you’d never ask for the price actually is. First, because you know you can't afford it. Second, is downright embarrassing when you know the waitress doesn't believe you when she tells you, the dish is $69 with side dishes extra and you say, “You know what, for some reason, I have a real craving for chicken tonight!”
One of the best things about being rich is not having to look at the prices on the menu anymore and eat exactly what you want to eat regardless of the price. If your goal is to be “comfortable”, chances are you will never get rich, but if your goal is to be rich, chances are you will end up mightily comfortable.
“If you shoot the stars, you at least hit the moon”, poor people don't even shoot for the ceiling in their houses, and they were wonder why they are not successful. Well, they just found out, you get what you truly intend to get, if you want to get rich, your goal has to be rich, not to have enough to play the bills, not just have enough to be comfortable, rich means rich, right down to financial objectives that demonstrate your intention to create abundance, not mediocrity or poverty.
Write, play to win goals for you. Make these goals achievable and realistic time frame and shoot to the stars. Second, go to an upscale or elegant restaurant and order a meal at the marketplace (with no price), without asking how much it costs. If your funds are tight, share the plate is acceptable. No, more chicken!
Rich people are committed to be being rich, poor people want to be rich. When you say, “I want to be rich”, the others look at you as if you're crazy. “Of course, I want to be rich”. They’d say, but the truth, however, is that most people don't really want to be rich. Why? because they have a lot of negative wealth files in their subconscious mind that tell them, there is something wrong with being rich.
What are some of the possible negatives about being rich or trying to get rich?
“What if I make it, and lose it? then I’ll already be a failure”.
“I will never know if people like me for myself or for my money”.
“I will be in the highest tax bracket and have to give half of my money to the government is too much work to give it to them”.
“I couldn't lose my health, trying very hard to make money… my friends and family will say, how do you think you are, or criticize me”.
We have a wealth file inside the cabinet, call it our mind. Each of us have this. This file contains our personal beliefs that includes why we and which would be wonderful. However, for many people this file, also includes information as to why being rich may not be wonderful. This means they have mixed it internally messages about wealth. One part of them gleefully says, “having more money will make life a lot more fun”. But then another part screen, ”Yeah, but I'm going to have to work like a dog!. What fun is that? One part says,” I will be able to travel the world”, then the other part chirps in. “Yeah, and anyone in the world will want a handout”. These mixed messages may seem innocent enough, but in reality, they are one of the main reason most people never become rich, the universe which is another way of saying “higher power” is akin to a big mail order department. This is constantly delivering people, events and things to you. You “get”, what you order, by sending energetic messages out to the universe, based on what you predominant, beliefs. Again, based on the law of attraction, the universe will do it best to say yes and support you, but if you have mixes messages in in your file, the universe can understand what you want. One minute, the universe hears that you want to be rich. So it's begins sending you opportunities for wealth. But then, in hears your say “Rich people are greedy”, so the universe being to support you in not having much money. But then you think “having a lot of money makes life so much more enjoyable”. So then next day you’re in an uninspired mood, so you think “Money’s not that important”. The frustrated universe finally screams, “Make up your thoughts” I will not get you nothing until you be clear what you want.
The number one reason most people don’t get what they want is that they don’t know what they want. Rich people are totally clear that they want wealth.
Also, is not just have the idea or want to be Rich, also you need to commit to be Rich.
The definition of Commitment is “to devote oneself unreservedly” means, you’re putting everything and I mean everything, you’ve got into it. People who are not financially successful have limits on how much they are willing to do, how much they are willing to risk, and how much they are willing to sacrifice. Although they think they’re willing to do whatever it takes, upon deeper questioning I always find they have plenty of conditions around what they are willing to do and not do to succeed!
If you are not fully totally, and truly committed to creating wealth, chances are you won’t!
In other words, the universe will assist you, guide you, support you, and even create miracles for you. But first, you have to commit.
The Law of Income: you will be paid in direct proportion to the value you deliver according t the marketplace. The key word is Value.
It’s important to know that four factors determine your value in the marketplace: supply, demand, quality and quantity. The biggest challenge for most people is the quantity, that means, how much of your value do you actually deliver to the marketplace? How many people do you actually serve or affect?
In my area are some coaches or trainer prefer teach small groups of 20 people at a time, other are comfortable with hundred participants in the room others with a 5 thousand participants or more. Is there a difference in income among these trainers? You better believe there is?
How do you want to live your life? how do you want to play the game? Do you want to play in the big leagues or in the little leagues, in the majors or the minors? Are you going to play big or small? It’s your choice. Most people play small. Why? First, because of fear. They’re scared to death of failure and they’re even more frightened of success. Second, people play small because they feel small, they feel unworthy. They don’t think they are good enough to make a real difference in people’s lives.
But hear this: your life is not just about YOU, it’s also about contributing to OTHERS. It is to living true to your mission and reason for being here on this earth at this time. Is adding your piece of the puzzle to the world. Most people is stuck on their EGOS that everything revolves around me, me and more me. But if you want to be rich in the truest sense of the word, it can’t only be about you. It has to include adding value to other people’s lives.
The happiest people are those who use their natural talents to the utmost. Part of your mission in life then must be to share your gifts and value with a many people as possible. That’s mean willing to play big.
Do you know the definition of entrepreneur? Is a person who solves problems for people at a profit. Is nothing more than a problem resolver. As yourself would you rather solve problems for more people or for a few people? If you replay more, then you need to start to think bigger and decide to help massive number of people. The by-product is that the more people you help, the richer you become, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and definitely financially.